Jodi's TEDx Grant Park Talk
Chicago, September 2017

Motorola Solutions Innovate to Impact
Keynote Speaker

Empowering Girls for Life
Keynote Speaker
video media appearances

The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson
Jodi Bondi Norgaard, Founder and CEO of Go! Go! Sports Girls discusses her recent trip to the White House to attend a conference aimed at breaking down stereotypes in toys.

The Today Show
Go! Go! Sports Girls Founder, Jodi Bondi Norgaard, is featured on the TODAY Show as one of the powerful women behind the newest, innovative next generation of toys for girls. In TODAY's segment, "Group of Women Revolutionize the Toy Aisle," Erica Hill talks with the powerful women behind the newest, innovative next generation of toys for girls.

The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson
As a member of Gretchen's "Female Empowerment Panel," Go! Go! Sports Girls Founder, Jodi Bondi Norgaard appears sans makeup along with Gretchen Carlson to discuss "Raising Empowered Young Women in a 'Sex Sells' Culture.

A clip from the Professional Women’s Club of Chicago.

Keynote Speaker

An excerpt from Jodi's Keynote at
The IWL Foundation Women’s Leadership Conference, From Inspiration to Impact

DePauw University
McDermond Speakers Series
Keynote Speaker
Entrepreneurial Insights
with Dr. Kuratko
Interview with Jodi Bondi Norgaard
Indiana University
Kelley School of Business